
Events & Webinars

One of SIOPA’s strategic priorities is to ensure we engage with national and international subject matter experts and thought leaders on topics related to Industrial/Organisational (I/O) Psychology. SIOPA’s continuing professional development events and seminars are held regularly throughout the year. We are committed to providing events to enable a highly skilled and capable profession.

Some of our past events include:

Exclusive Workshop Event: Using People Analytics to Enhance Employee Development

3 December 2018, Sean Casavechia Caliper Group, Chicago

Embracing the future of work: The perfect storm for Organisational Psychology?

16 October 2018, Karen Lay-Brew 3 Pillars Asia Pacific, Brisbane

Growing Effective Organisations and Engaged Workforces: Insights from Organisational Leaders

11 September 2018, Trent Bartlett, Megan McCracken, Stuart Jenner (Leader Panel Event Series)

From FBI to CIO: The Human Aspects of Digital Transformation and Agile Management

21 February 2018, Adjunct Professor Pat Reed SoftEd, California

Approaching Organisational Change with Innovation, Strategy and Creativity

29 August 2017, Jeff Melanson Creative Change Management Consulting, Canada

The March of the Millennial Generation and What It Means For Business

5 April 2017, Holly Ransom Emergent Global, Melbourne